Saturday, August 6, 2016

Auto Quiz

1. What car can still be bought new, nearly two decades after its manufacturer went out of business?
A. Delorean DMC-12  
B. AMC Eagle
C. Plymouth Voyager

2. When did the new DeLorean Motor Company start selling new DeLorean vehicles?
A. 1989
B. 1990
C. 2008  

3. Premier Automotive Group was formed in the early 2000s, primarily to handle Ford's acquisition of European brands such as Aston Martin, Land Rover, Jaguar and Volvo. Which two American brands were also rolled into this umbrella?
A. Mercury and Plymouth
B. Mercury and Lincoln
C. Lincoln and Ford

4. What led to Mercury's demise?
A. Ford was made an offer it couldn’t refuse. 
B. Ford wasn’t giving the brand good support or fresh products. 
C. The planet was too close to the sun and finally got too hot.  

5. Which automaker is largely credited with revolutionizing the auto manufacturing process?
A. Nikola Tesla
B. John DeLorean
C. Henry Ford  

6. Who is credited with saying "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses"?
A. Henry Ford 
B. Louis Chevrolet
C. Henry Martyn Leland 
7. Which two automotive brands had one of the same founders?
A. Lincoln and Cadillac  
B. Lincoln and Ford 
C. Studebaker and Cadillac 
8. Which two automotive brands sold a Model A? 
A. Lincoln and Ford
B. Cadillac and Ford 
C. Chevrolet and Lincoln

9. What did David Dunbar Buick make before founding his car company?
A. Bathtubs 
B. Tiolets
C. Kids’s toy wagon

10. In Buick's early days, the brand produced some truck models, but then stopped to focus on more traditional passenger vehicles. What vehicle was considered Buick's first truck in 70 years?
A. The Enclave
B. The Rendezvous 
C. The Aztek

Answers will be posted in 2 weeks

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